Giving up is what they want you to do. It’s what they have been trying to get you to do since before the voting even started… They said if Bernie didn’t win both New Hampshire and Iowa that it was over… well with them flipping delegates from Hillary to Bernie in Iowa (As most of us suspected when they tried to convince us she won), it turns out it appears Bernie did win both Iowa and New Hampshire. (update, one district resolved in moving delegates from Hillary to Bernie, another district is still unresolved but looking at flipping another one from Hillary to Bernie -
Next when She won Nevada they said it’s over. But that also turned out not to be true… She went on to run the table on southern red states and they told us the math didn’t work, yet most of the country hadn’t voted yet. Super Tuesday she won the South Bernie won nearly everywhere else… but again they repeated it’s over.
Time and again we watch all the pundits include the super delegates into the count to create the illusion that she is way more popular than she is and that her lead is insurmountable. But Bernie kept reminding us is what they and every media outlet ignored was that the polling showed all her strong states come early, Bernie leads in polling in nearly every remaining state. Many of those leads by yuge margins.
So here we are about to enter the 2nd half. They know they need to discourage us and convince us that the math doesn’t work or Bernie will start rattling off win after win. They are playing prevent D and trying can get us to give up and not show up if she is to maintain her lead.
But wait, the two biggest states haven’t even voted yet with New York and California. In fact 9 contests left to run before New York and Bernie leads in polling in all of them. So if we stay engaged, keep volunteering, keep donating and keep talking about Bernie/ getting our friends to vote we can build momentum and run the table going into New York. with over 2000 delegates yet to be awarded the math does still work. Bernie doesn't even need the margins she has won by so far.
Nobody said the revolution would be easy. Nobody said they wouldn’t ignore us, dismiss us, lie to us, smear Bernie and create false narratives. We knew that they would play it dirty, this is the DNC led by Debbie Wasserman Schultz who was the co chair of Hillary’s losing 08 campaign. The same woman who limited debate and threatened to punish anyone who didn’t play by her hide the challengers from the voters strategy. When asked about the undemocratic nature of Super Delegates the DNC chair said they were in place to prevent a grassroots movement from rising up to win the nomination. Imagine that the chair of the people’s party telling us they put a system in place specifically to deny a populist candidate of the people from defeating the establishments choice.
But her rigging didn’t end there, Elizabeth Warren let the cat out of the bag when they asked why she hadn’t endorsed Hillary by saying something to the effect of If I was going to endorse her, I would have when the party was forcing every member of congress to do so. Keith Ellison said he was told there would be consequences to endorsing Bernie and Tulsi Gabbard was told that it would be career suicide to endorse Bernie.
Then there is the order the states run. It was like the Hillary campaign played the whole first half with home field advantage, downhill and with the wind at her back. The media and the party both proclaiming the race over time and again, while belittling Sanders supporters… why won’t we give up? Don’t we know that a people’s movement can’t win? There is a corrupt media in place to keep reminding us of that and turning the focus right back to their pet candidate.
But we haven’t given up. They knew they needed to make a statement on the two super Tuesdays, because the math worked against them from that point on. They needed to demoralize us. They needed to put us away by then. But they haven’t. In one blue after purple state after the next we surged and outperformed polling which showed 20-30 point leads for Clinton, only to win them big or make many of others close. Sanders did not let her run up the score enough in the first half to lock us out in the 2nd, not even close.
So here we are starting the 2nd half. Bernie is now playing on home turf, downhill with the wind at his back. Not only does he lead in nearly every remaining state poll, but he leads many of them by yuge margins. They are counting on us believing their lie that it’s over or hoping to scare us into supporting her to stop the even worse scenario of a President Trump. Sure a President Trump is a scary prospect. But to stop worst case scenario do we really have to settle for lesser of two evils? Why can’t we fight for a transformative candidate of honesty, compassion, experience and a truly bold progressive vision? Especially when every matrix shows that candidate, Bernie Sanders as the strongest general election candidate. Bernie out polls her in every head to head match up with Trump, Cruz and Kasich. He also has a much larger base of voters which goes beyond establishment democrats and includes yuge numbers of young and Independent voters who have sworn they will only vote for him.
The revolution is real, it’s still here and the path is still viable. Super delegates won’t risk stealing the nomination and blowing up the whole party. They will vote for whoever wins the earned delegates and popular vote, they always do. They will back whoever can help the party not only hold the white house but also win back the Senate and make big gains in the House and state houses.
Besides won’t the victory be sweeter with a buzzer beater, a walk off hit, a shootout win or field goal as the clock runs out? Stay engaged, we can do this. The biggest play they have left is convincing you to give up.
good God, "Anonymous," read much?? you've been lied to for so long you don't recognize truth when it smacks you in the face.
ReplyDeleteIt was a fast moving story, but they have been investigating a number of instances where the Hillary campaign was accused of stealing delegates... in this instance they appear to have ruled in favor of Sanders and it flipped the state from 23-21 final delegate count to 22-22. There are other instances of election fraud still being investigated and another 2 delegate switch from Clinton to Bernie still unresolved.
I just checked to verify the Iowa statement in the opening paragraph and they still have Hillary ahead by less than one percent. Close enough for me to call it a tie. He was down only 4 delegates.
ReplyDeleteNot sure where you are checking... but he was down 2 and they had a number of districts in question... the first one decided was a 2 vote swing resulting in a tie, other questions of voter fraud still underway. The Clinton campaign was found to be cheating in a bunch of different states including Nevada, Massachusetts, Missouri and Illinois... and those are being talked about because they were close. In those deep red states where she ran up the score the results didnt match the pre or exit polling. Florida in particular had a bunch of complaints of things like being told it was a vote for republicans only with the democratic ballots stuffed into a closet. Hillary supporters need to have pause that they are supporting someone already known as a liar who keeps piling on the lies and dirty tricks on a weekly if not daily basis.
ReplyDeleteI sooner jump into the Cuyahoga River while it's on fire than support Ms. Monsanto for anything but jail time.
#StillSanders #StillBernie #HillaryStepAside