Senator Boxer, In response to your open letter asking Senator Sanders to apologize to Hillary I have to take you to task. You are requesting the apology of the wrong person.
I have been a HUGE supporter and advocate for you over the years. As I watched the Democratic party get dragged by third way/ corporatist democrats farther and farther from the policies of the left, I always knew we had Barbara Boxer still fighting for the left. Here in California I joked well at least we have one Senator who understands what it means to be a democrat and begged anyone to primary Diane Feinstein who seemed to be a republican on far too many issues.
I have been a HUGE supporter and advocate for you over the years. As I watched the Democratic party get dragged by third way/ corporatist democrats farther and farther from the policies of the left, I always knew we had Barbara Boxer still fighting for the left. Here in California I joked well at least we have one Senator who understands what it means to be a democrat and begged anyone to primary Diane Feinstein who seemed to be a republican on far too many issues.
But alas just as we are set to lose your leadership to retirement, have old school democrats also lost you to the tragedy of what the democratic party has become? A party that represents free trade, private prisons, big oil, big pharma, GMOs, punishment society and forever the risk of having our party team with the 1% in the rigging of our economy, the courts and deregulation? That's right only one of these two candidates has spent her career with the "D" next to her name. But its the one with the "I" next to his who has always remembered what the Democratic party represents.
Senator Sanders owes nobody an apology. But the same can not be said of his opponent who has spent months pandering and pretending to represent issues she has fought against for decades, positions nobody on the left feels she will still be representing after the primaries. And she has spent months lying about and smearing Senator Sanders on his record. On issues he has fought for and she has spent a career fighting against or being complicit in the republicans fight against.
It is Secretary Clinton who owes Senator Sanders and us all an apology. She can’t have it both ways... she can’t yell about the party as she destroys it from within. She can’t complain about tone, when all the negative tone and hypocrisy is coming from her. Senator Sanders finally responded not only to her smears and lies, but also to her commitment to keep smearing and to throw the kitchen sink at him just to win. I remember the PUMAs (Party Unity My Ass) of 08, where her supporters felt it more important to fight for her and not for issues. They did so not on their own, but following her lead.
I am profoundly disappointed in your support of the "D" over the party ideals. And profoundly disappointed that you would side with one of the architects for the theft of the people's party over the man who has woken up the electorate to the fact that they have lost both parties to the same corporate masters.
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I am profoundly disappointed in your support of the "D" over the party ideals. And profoundly disappointed that you would side with one of the architects for the theft of the people's party over the man who has woken up the electorate to the fact that they have lost both parties to the same corporate masters.
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ReplyDeleteThis friend speaks my mind!
ReplyDeleteThank-you for speaking out loud what many of us are thinking! Now living back in my native state Michigan but having lived in CA for most of my adult life I too thought of Senator Boxer as a true champion for the interests of the people and the common good. Alas it seems no longer true. Now she, like so many including Senator Feinstein has sold out the American people and can no longer feel the pain being inflicted on them by the very political machine that put them into office. I can only hope that Bernie will succeed in bringing an end to the political nightmare that is now America.
ReplyDeleteBernie Sanders lost California the day his supporters booed Barbara Boxer before she even began to speak. I am a CA Democratic voter and I am deeply disturbed by the lack of apology!
ReplyDeleteBut no outrage over the 58 randomly disenfranchised voters that would have made Bernie the victor by around 30 delegates, no outrage over that? Not to mention that she was purposely egging them on. To hell with the sold out Barbara Boxer, if you're going to be deeply disturbed, do it about the right things.
DeleteBernie Sanders lost California the day his supporters booed Barbara Boxer before she even began to speak. I am a CA Democratic voter and I am deeply disturbed by the lack of apology!
ReplyDeleteActually Senator Sanders lost california when the democratic party engaged in widespread election fraud. Barbara Boxer was booed because she stood at the mic acting like a petulant child and asked them to boo her. She walked away from a lifetime of progressivism and compromised everything she has believed in and fought for the push party politics and corruption over populism and the issues.