A progressives rant
It’s not sexism… consider for a moment that we hate her because of who she is, what she has done and it has nothing to do with her gender, not even anything to do with the republican delusion syndrome.
I’m going to say it right here and now I hate the Clintons. Both her and Bill and I'm never going to apologize for it. I hate what they did to the democratic party handing the party of the people over to the same corporate masters as the republican party and taking away real choice in the general election. I hate that they dismissed and belittled progressives rendering our causes futile or simply off the table. I hate them for welfare reform and a draconian crime bill that victimized the poor, destroyed entire neighborhoods and disproportionately crushed communities of color. I hate them for trade deals that destroyed the middle class, killed American jobs and sent wages on a race to the bottom. I hate them for de-regulating the media and then ducking behind them for cover on their lies and smears of their political enemies. I hate them for passing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and DOMA and pretending later that they were doing it to save the gay community from something worse. I hate them for saying they want America to take the lead in fighting global warming then taking huge donations from the oil and coal industries, selling fracking to the world, supporting offshore drilling, supporting the extraction and storage of natural gas and opposing a carbon tax… basically the exact opposite of what someone who cares about stopping or slowing global warming would do. I hate them for being the dirtiest campaigners in modern history. I hate her specifically because her foreign policy of war, regime change and arming the enemy of our enemy has been almost as destructive as Dick Cheney arguably one of the most destructive leaders in our nation’s history. Yes I hate them and my hatred for them grows with every lie, with every smear and with every media hit piece or every surrogate that goes out spreading lies and false narrative on their behalf. Yes I hate them for who they are and what they have done, I don’t hate them because the republicans told me to hate them. I don’t hate her because she is a woman. I hate them because they have done more damage to progressives and progressive ideas while pretending to be progressive than any republican ever could have. I hate them for manipulating other democrats into being their apologists and attacking anyone who didn’t agree with them or called them on their record or questionable integrity.
In ‘92 they promised us that they were a 2 for 1, she then became the only first lady to set up an office in the west wing, but how dare anybody hold her accountable for the damage of their administration. Sure she wants the credit for the short term prosperity that came with the dot com bubble, but doesn’t want any of the blame for the long term consequences of their wall street deals, free trade agreements, mass incarceration or any of the things I listed above. In 92 they said that they were representing the centrist wing of the party and were new democrats leading the party into a new era, a third way with centrist democrats who could beat republicans in both the money game and electoral game… and they they did exactly that, dragging the party to the center, crushed the left and led to a corporatist takeover of the party, a party that now answered to corporate interests but how dare anybody who remembers the left bring that up.
Well I admit that I hate them… but somehow as a defense Hillary says if we hate her, surely we must hate Obama for taking money from wall street, or Kerry or insert name of virtually any corporatist third way Democrat. But wait I don’t hate Obama. 8 years ago I was doing what her supporters are attacking me for now by defending Obama against her lies, smears and attacks. I defended Obama when she sent out her surrogates to smear him, tell us that he can’t get anything done, has no experience and has no idea about foreign policy because he disagreed with her hawkish ways. Thanks to their corporate takeover of the democratic party I’ve been forced to support the lesser of two evils every election at nearly every level of government and yes I hate that and blame them. I hate that us progressives have been mocked and dismissed every election cycle while being told that this endless string of middle right corporate democrats are progressive… but sadly I remember what progressives fight for and against. I remember what it was like when democrats put the people first and answered to the people. I know it makes me angrier but I watched all of this happen in real time and yes I was paying attention. I can’t pretend to not know what democrats used to get for us and can’t pretend to not notice that our party has been hijacked.
So here we are in the primaries in a year when millennials and Independents along with progressives and yes the fringe racist right are all rising up and demanding representation. We are mocked by the media, ignored by the media and scolded by the establishment desperate to hold onto the power they stole from us. We are scolded for ignoring their dirty games, conventional wisdom and establishment bullying. I’ve been involved in progressive politics for 25 years and I know this is the primaries. I know what that means, this is when we get to decide the direction of our party. This is when we get to choose someone who represents real positive change and not the least offensive of the corrupt two party system. This is when we get to remember we have a democracy and that our leaders probably could and should represent the interests of the people.
This is when we can send the Clintons into retirement and let both them and their corrupt corporatist leaders know that we are done with oligarchy (a small group of people having control of a government) and plutocracy (government by the wealthy elite and ruling class), we are ready to get our democracy back. This is when we refuse to take no for an answer, when the people of Michigan can be told she is 20 points up 2 days before the vote and that it’s over, but they decide to ignore the media noise, ignore the party insiders and send Bernie to one of the biggest primary upsets in political history. This is when we can embrace real change. This is when we can ignore the so called experts that say because she crushed it in southern red states that there is no path to victory for another democrat even though most states including virtually every large state has still not voted. I don't ever want to be told I have to vote for the lesser of two evils (but I will if we blow it, but let's not go there yet)
This is when we save democracy, save our planet and remind democrats of our progressive past. This is when we defeat Hillary Clinton and not because she is a woman, because she is a wolf in sheep’s clothing who has done enough damage and we are done with both the Bush’s and the Clinton’s. This when we start a political revolution that wins back our party, wins back our government, wins back American jobs and restores the American dream. This is when we embrace a truly inspirational leader like Bernie Sanders and we turn the page on a 4 decade attack on the American people by the people we called our leaders. This is when we remind ourselves and the younger generations what it’s like to be truly great again. Once in a lifetime a truly transformational leader comes along speaking the truth, inspiring the masses and changes the world. Let's not blow it. Vote for real change, vote for honesty and integrity, vote for vision and compassion. Vote for Bernie Sanders and don't let your party, your parents party or the media talk you out of it, or convince you it can't happen. Make it happen. #FeelTheBern
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Fortunately I think Bernie has a lock on the right campaign strategy. He runs his campaign against the Trumps and the Rahms of the world and let's Hillary run against herself.
ReplyDeleteYoure so right. Part of the game is him getting his message to the people... the other part is people figuring out that her record doesnt match her agenda. The more they know of her record, the less they will like her
DeleteThe last part and this is where we come along.... besides supporting him and voting of course.... we have to be his 'War Room' defending him from attacks and smears just as Carville did for Bubba.
DeleteHer KARMA is knocking at the door. No, Hillary it's not locked up despite Debbie Wasserman Shultz's rigged DNC and your corporate media bias cronies. The people are not as foolish as you think. #HistoryByHillary #AIDS
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis is awesome. Thanks. Bernie 2016! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback. Im a progressive and write often about Bernie
DeleteKEEP ON KICKIN' PLEASE***Phonebank, Facebank, Canvass, Flier, DONATE, Wear BERN-GEAR!! Please Help Till ALL States Vote^^^^ www.BernKit.com , www.BernieSanders.com - VOTING TUESDAY, 3/15: Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, N. Carolina!!!! Call / Facebank Facebook Friends and All Friends in Voting States, as we VOTE!!!! Get others involved, helping, ‘Bernin’ too!!! Please COPY/PASTE/SHARE!!!! Let's GOOOOO!!!
ReplyDeleteAgree commpletely... first get motivation, bone up on the issues and then talk to everyone we know. Get them to the polls, get them to vote for Bernie, phone bank, knock on doors, donate... wearing Bernie gear is a great way to engage people. Its a conversation starter, from there you can address questions they may have on issues like electability or why Bernie will have more luck pushing for a big bold change agenda than the most hated person in the eyes of the GOP will have in getting even baby steps.
DeleteI agree with all of your article with one exception: I believe it was Ronald R. That took away the media accountability to the truth and started them on the road to corporate whoredom.
ReplyDeleteI believe you are correct, however it was the telecommunications act of 1996 that allowed for the media conglomerates and monopolies.
DeleteI believe you are correct, however it was the telecommunications act of 1996 that allowed for the media conglomerates and monopolies.
DeleteI wasnt really politically engaged until the 90s. But it was the telecommunications act of 96 I was referring to. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_Act_of_1996
DeleteAnd also pointing out that among her top corporate donors are the media companies... to say nothing of the millions more they give her in free airtime and in denying airtime or a fair coverage when they do talk about him
Actually, the telecommunications act, also known as the communications decency act, provided a couple of benefits, one of which allows anyone to own a media company. It basically is what allows you to publish what you want without your hosting providers being liable, as to ensure a free and uninterfered with marketplace regarding the Internet.
DeleteThat's not a bad deal. Individuals can own media companies and they do, all over the YouTube channels, the podcasts, self funded publishers of 'zines and even bloggers benefit.
Would you consider Facebook, Twitter, Vine, media? Because they all thrive thanks to the telecommunications act of 1996.
Well done, great piece. I'm going to share it around.
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the support. The more we know :)
DeletePerfect, I'm going to share this like CRAZY!!
ReplyDeleteThank you kindly... spread the word/ spread the bern
DeleteDonald Trump 2016!! No more Mexicans! No more Muslims! No more menstruating womens! Combovers ONLY!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to America! You're arguing for a hate-based strategy?! I don't give a crap about your distaste for Hillary Clinton. We all have it - those of us who support and work for the Bernie Sanders campaign. I do give a crap if a bunch of you choose essentially to not participate and thereby allow Our Dear Leader Trump to get into office. Can you imagine that? Can you? That would be an inexcusable disaster. I am getting the feeling from listening to a lot you rant about your hatred and how you would never vote "for" Clinton that you are just a short step away from the Trumpians anyway. Hate (!?). Fortunately, I think Sanders will actually get the nomination, with all of his strong and growing support (beyond what the polls say) and that he has a great chance at beating Trump (or Cruz); but if he doesn't, let's see what you will choose to do then and I hope you make a choice beyond your precious hate. Stop justifying your emotionalism in politics. Who gets this??
ReplyDeleteDid you read the post? I specifically talked about the primaries as the time when we get to defeat the lesser of two evils and give ourselves a candidate we can believe in instead... I have a long history of hating the Clintons for the damage they have done on so many issues. Then hate them more for going back and rewriting their history so people think they have taken positions they have actually fought on the other side of... that said, I will vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination, but not until I do absolutely everything I can first to see to it that she doesnt... On that note, I am a progressive democrat, but I understand the Independent voters who arent looking to vote for just anyone with the D next to their name... for those voters they will have to decide how they feel about supporting a bad democrat vs holding their nose and stopping someone even worse.
DeleteYou lost me there. I will never vote for her. I will vote for Jill Stein just like I did in 2012.
Delete"Are you ready for Hillary?" It is one hell of an assumption. What an entitled, spoiled bitch to assume that it is her turn and we are just going to hand it to her. Donald would be BETTER than her because he is NOT HER. Of course I don't want Donald to win, but there is NO WAY I will vote for a proven "liberal" warmonger, never again. I voted for Obama the first time, RRomney (actually I voted AGAINST Obama) in the last one....not because I liked Mitt.. but Obama was a phony liberal and I will never support that again. If Trump wins his support will last a whopping 90 days... he will be such a screw up that the nation will hand him a solid democratic congress/senate and will spank him in 2020. If they nominate HRC the DNC will do better if they lose the general this round. If they don't Hillary will be non stop impeachment hearings over Benghazi/emails the Republicans will control congress for at least four years... and they will respect Hillary as much as Bill does (he did screw other women you know, he doesn't respect her at all) and walk all over her like the doormat she is.
DeleteI voted for Nader in 2000... I understand the Bernie or Bust movement. I just fear Trump more. But I also reject the idea that we need to talk about the general election during the primaries... our fight right now is 100% about defeating Hillary in the primaries. We need to do absolutely everything we can to make Bernie our nominee and stop her from stealing it... That said I think its a good thing if the Democratic establishment fears whether or not they can fold Bernie's supporters into a stolen nomination... Personally Ive always acknowledged that we are a big tent and we all not only got here for different reasons, but we fight for different reasons and focus on different issues. But at the end of the day we are fighting for a nomination and that should be the singular focus. Not what we will do after the primaries, lets focus on the hardest fight we will have in this election... winning the nomination. Once we do that, nobody will ever have to worry about lesser of two evils and we can stop sniping at each other and keep our focus on making Bernie the next POTUS and then turn our focus on flipping the congress and state houses as well as purging corporatists from the democratic party... Lets face it the lesser of two evils has been our choice up and down ballot for decades. This revolution is about changing that.
ReplyDeleteIm not a Bernie or Bust, but I do understand the movement. They are putting the corrupt party leaders on notice that if they steal the nomination, they will be killing the party up and down the ballot. Thats not my position but I dont think its a bad thing for the party to wonder if we will vote for her before they play nasty politics to rig and steal the nomination. They talk about bringing the party together but ignore that Bernie has a huge Independent base who arent democrats and havent really known the democrats to serve their needs either. I think at the end of the day we will find out if Bernie loses who they hate more... I know for me Cruz and Trump scare the shit out of me... they are straignt up evil, she represents the worst of the democratic party, but put her against the worst of the republican party and I see a demon as being better than the devil himself
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteBottom line, she is simply the wrong choice. She brings nothing to the table other than her ownership by big banks and the military industrial complex. I believe the United States will elect our first female President in the near future, but Hillary Rodham Clinton will not be the one. Senator/Professor Elizabeth Warren is my pick, if and when she chooses to run.
ReplyDeleteexactly there will be other opportunities to elect a woman... but maybe never another opportunity to elect a man as honest, principled and compassionate as Bernie
Deleteexactly there will be other opportunities to elect a woman... but maybe never another opportunity to elect a man as honest, principled and compassionate as Bernie
DeleteThis says it ALL for me! Thank you!!
ReplyDeletethanks for reading
DeleteThanks. Says it all. Sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you kindly
DeleteI think you and the Trump supporters are two sides of the same coin. Uncompromising, loud mouth opposission to anything that smells like an idea that conflicts with the direction you think the country should go. In the end it's not the winning policy that tears us apart. It will be people like you and the Trump supporters who encourage us to hate each other.
ReplyDeleteWe aren't encouraging hating anyone but the Clintons and Bushes, but keep up your ugly rhetoric and we can add you too :)
DeletePerfect example.
DeletePerfect example.
DeleteThank you Jennifer. You prove my point.
DeleteHillary is not really much different than Dick Cheney. She is a someone who lies constantly and a neocon who has a taste for regime change with no regard apparently for the suffering she causes.
ReplyDeleteShe isnt as bad as Cheney in my opinion... but she is also light years from being as good as Bernie even as she pretends to take his entire agenda. I profoundly disagree with people who say Bernie is making her a better candidate. Clintons dont evolve, they only pretend to for political expedience... but that said, while she has been wrong on a lot of issues, she hasnt been wrong on all of them. I think we are in a fight for the nomination and thats my singular focus right now... retiring her and her aspirations to be President. But I also dont disagree with you that her foreign policy is way more similar to Cheney and the neo cons than her supporters will ever admit.
DeleteI'm voting for Bernie, because I refuse to vote for an inferior candidate.
ReplyDeleteThey used political power and influence to enrich themselves. They are Reagonites as has been every president since 1988. I voted once against the actor and then for Obama, now I am working for and supporting Bernie Sanders financially and hope to vote a third time in 36 years in November.
ReplyDeleteI agree with almost everything you wrote. However, if Bernie Sanders doesn't get the Democratic Nomination, I suggest that other progressives do as I will do, and vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party. The Green Party platform, and Jill's personal positions, are as progressive as Bernie's, if not more so. They just need support. A vote for $hillary Ȼlinton would be a waste...
ReplyDelete2 words. ...Supreme Court
Delete2 words. ...Supreme Court
DeleteI agree the Supreme Court is a huge issue. To me its a bigger reason we need to make sure she doesnt win the nomination. Her appointees may be more socially reasonable, but they will be corporatists, while Bernies nominees will reject corporatism. That is a really really big deal. They are not the same on what kind of nominees they will bring forward
DeleteIf Bernie does not get the nomination, I am unsure how I will vote. Jill Stein is an excellent option indeed. The one thing I will do is change back to an Independent . That will be the biggest statement I can make to the corrupt DNC. I will listen to what Bernie Sanders advices though, because I do believe he has this countries best interests in his heart.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI feel you. I totally completely and utterly feel you. Thank you for publicly voicing your opinion that is shared by thousands and thousands of upright citizens of this country. We need to regain our voices in our local and national elections. This is what Bernie has given us - a voice. A leader with sound judgment who is standing up to the status quo, telling us, showing us that we have a say and that our voice matters if we all stand up together against the machine. We can - AND WILL - do this. We stand united. We are all Bernie and Bernie is all of us.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your thoughts... well put.
DeleteI'm voting for Obama.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with you more. Word for word. Thank you and everyone VOTE! #BernieOrBust
ReplyDeleteSure, but let's say she gets the nomination. You'll vote for her, right? Because not to would be really, really stupid.
ReplyDeleteIn Canada, we had a terrible Conservative government. To get rid of it, millions of Canadians followed what was known as the ABH strategy, which stands for Anyone But Harper. That meant voting for the local candidate most likely to defeat the local Conservative Party candidate, and thus destroying the Conservative Party's chances of again forming the government.
I didn't get the party I wanted, BUT Trudeau is still a billion times better than Harper. Of course, lots of people on the far left of the spectrum disagree, but this is just plain stupid. Stupid in the same way thinking that there is no difference between Clinton and say, Trump or Cruz.
So yeah. Sanders is great, but don't be goofy and stay home if Bernie doesn't get the nomination. Because your next job is making sure the worst case scenario doesn't happen and somebody like Trump get in the White House.
I dont see a single productive reason to talk about the general election while we are still in the primaries. It only gives us something to fight against each other on while we should be on the same page with a singular focus of making sure she isnt the nominee.
DeleteAnd lets not make the same mistake the lazy DNC and MSM makes every day about our coalition. We are not all democrats. Some of us are democrats, some of us are progressive democrats and some of us are independent voters. Right now we are all berniecrats. Lets focus on that.
it's a shill baby
DeleteSo eloquently written. I couldn't agree more! Did phonebanking for Bernie today for 5 hours and will be back there tomorrow and Tuesday! I truly don't know what I will do if Bernie doesn't get the nomination. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Right now, IT'S BERNIE OR BUST!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your time phone banking. Thats what we all need to be doing right now. Phone banking, donating, door knocking and talking to everyone we know. I wear Bernie shirts all the time, it sparks conversations and gives me a chance to spread the Bern... to the waitress, the cashier, the people bowling next to me, the people standing in line at the movies or at a concert. Every day there is something we can do to help the movement. Your phone banking and the thousands of us phone banking are creating the ground game the Clinton machine pays for and is the reason we keep out performing the polls.
DeleteUp until now I was afraid Bernie couldn't win the nomination, today I am extremely optimistic... we have reached a turning point and the realization that yes, Bernie CAN beat Hillary
ReplyDeleteI agree completely. She is running out of red states to beat us in. Now we just need to keep turning the corner and then start running up the scores in the midwest and two coasts where the advantages of not only demographics but our messaging turn the advantage to us.
DeleteHillary stands for the establishment of the Dems. I would like to have somebody in the white house who has ideas and moves the country forward. Obama had to pull out the country of the mess Bush has created, the obstruction of the Movement Republicans prevented him to do what we thought was necessary to bring us forward. Now we need Bernie to start the push again
ReplyDeleteI have never been establishment. I have been a progressive pushing back against it for decades. But this is the first time I have seen a legit chance that we could flip the script on them. This is the best chance we have to win back the party of the people and give everyone an actual choice. I think both parties have moved to the right, which has not been a good thing. The current democratic establishment has moved to where the republican party used to be and the republican party has moved into seriously dangerous territory. For years we have been asked to choose between bad and worse. I for one am ready to choose someone I can believe in
DeleteThis piece speaks to me and I identify with many of the positions of the author. Something I have been concerned about but have yet to see anyone speak to is the possibility of a flipside to Bernie-or-Bust. I get the sense that there are many silent DINO voters out there who, rather than vote for Bernie, would jump ship and vote GOP in the interest of keeping their taxes as low as possible.
ReplyDeleteIts the primaries... now is when we can focus on choosing the actual progressive. Lets talk about the general election once we get there. And if we keep the pressure on and keep doing what we need to do, we will shock the world and win the nomination. Nobody expected Obama to beat her and he did. Lets do that again.
ReplyDeleteIt will take all our efforts to deprogram and re-educate this country! Bernie is a Jefferson Democrat! Our true party was born of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's Democratic Republican Party in the 1790's. And we are still fighting the Federalist Party! The Corporate Elite party of Wallstreet, Republicans and Democrats.
ReplyDeleteYour listing of the Clintons' dismal record is salutary, but your "hate" undermines your credibilty - as well as your spirituality. Use Bernie as your model. He hates no one, just loves all in need.
ReplyDeleteYour listing of the Clintons' dismal record is salutary, but your "hate" undermines your credibilty - as well as your spirituality. Use Bernie as your model. He hates no one, just loves all in need.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAgreed... "Resent" or "fault" instead of "hate" might open it up to a wider audience.
DeleteI am sorry you had trouble with the word. Personally I dont get hung up on Semantics. I made the point I was trying to make. Dancing around the topic may be a more politically correct or spiritually enlightened way to express, but I dont feel as though it would have made the point and would not have been my truth... I do hate her and what she has done to progressivism, what she has done to the poor and middle class and what she has done to the Democratic party. Too many people are carrying a completely false understanding of who she is and what her record is, this angry rant was my attempt to set the record straight and wake people up who don't understand the extent to which she and the media have been rewriting her record.
DeleteI agree with you mostly, but it's hard to take you seriously with such bias in your tone, as well as so many grammatical errors. Try harder to be a sensible journalist and you'll have more followers.
ReplyDeleteI never pretended to be neutral with regard to Sec. Clinton. I think I was pretty clear that I am not a fan. Her repulsive campaigning against President Obama combined with a record that is light years from her stated agenda and positions cemented my disdain for her. Then when she recycled nearly every smear, lie and dirty trick she used against Obama and seemed to have learned nothing from the loss I decided not only to vote against her, but to be vocal about why I don't like her and why she needs to be stopped in the primaries. I only wish I had come out stronger against George W Bush, not making that mistake again.
DeleteOur country is witnessing a rare individual, Bernie Sanders, running for President. He constitutes so much more then your usual candidate. His lifetime work is equal to the greatest leaders and thinkers over the last century.
ReplyDeleteLet's not squander this moment... he will do more to reset the out-of-balance affairs of this government and society. The majority of citizens wants what he speaks so eloquently about. It's living in their fears to not understand a title like "socialist democrat". And the establishment media will plot & conspire to keep this man's agenda from taking place, in that the greedy corporations will be brought into accountability.
I agree with every word. Thank you for sharing.
DeleteActually, it is you. I have voted for Bernie every time I could here in Vermont. I voted for him in the Vermont primary. I am giving him money every month. But if Bernie loses, I will vote for Hillary. I will vote for Hillary because whatever disdain I have for her and her husband is overshadowed (one might say trumped) by my disdain for whichever troglodyte the Republican food fight lands on as their nominee. Sitting it out because you suffer from the same self-righteous indignation as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, only from the left, is worse than irresponsible.
ReplyDeleteDid you miss the part in both the title and in the article where it specified the primaries? The Clinton campaign is pushing all sorts of false narratives, the biggest one being that its over and the math doesnt work for Sanders. But it does, more than half the delegates have still yet to be earned and in virtually every remaining state Bernie has both the polling and demographics on his side. She won huge in the south, but the south is all but done voting. Everywhere but the deep red southern states have voted for Bernie or given her very narrow victories. This shaming people into supporting Hillary while the primaries are still far from over is offensive which was the entire point of the piece.
DeleteI completely agree & would like to follow, but see no option to do so. I'm a total Berniecrat as you can see from my fb page. I'd like to stay in contact (f/r?), learn more about you (bio?) & especially share more of what you have to say. Thanks 8-)
ReplyDeleteI will check with my IT guy. He assured me that following was an option, but like you, I don't see the option. Thanks for your feedback.
Deleteupdate... IT guy added a follow tab at the top right corner
DeleteDay after election, what will you be doing? I will feel that I will have exercised my right as a citizen; which many would like to deprive me of. I will reflect on what the future will bring with a woman as President, and possibly a female or a Latin vice president!
ReplyDeleteWhen I ask the more rabid Bernie supporters (I support Bernie but am a pragmatist) what they will do if Hillary wins the primary I get 2 answers:
ReplyDelete1) I am staying home and let Trump or Cruz win. That will teach the DNC a lesson!
2) I am doing a write in vote for Bernie! (and therefore letting Trump or Cruz win.
The Berniebots just don't think too clearly or rationally.
The pragmatism argument is so flawed. She says she can get more little things done... incremental change she calls it. But maybe somebody needs to tell her that she is the most unpopular figures to the GOP. They will obstruct everything she tries to do, big or small. They wont even let her name a road or government building. If by pragmatism you simply mean she is going to win, well Id say you were right if only southern red states voted, but everywhere but the south either Bernie has won or kept the loss close... and virtually every state left is in the north or two coasts where Bernie is out polling her in virtually every state. This isnt about Berniebots, this is still about winning a nomination and making sure that not only the best candidate wins, but the one with the best chance of delivering a big win with long coat tails in the general election. The candidate poised to do that is Bernie Sanders.
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you. I can not thank you enough for this article. I thought it was just me or a few of us who thought this. I thought I was crazy. You found my words.
ReplyDeleteYes, I can see your point. Much better to not vote or to vote for someone else, and in so doing ensure that Donald Trump becomes president. Good strategy.
ReplyDeletewhat a moronic take. Now we are here 4 years later and the Democratic party has been clear that the only lesson they are taking from 2016 is that they can cheat and get away with it. Not that forcing a corrupt, dishonest war monger incapable of winning independent voters or the working class voters was how we got Trump. Besides this blogpost was written while we were still in the primaries when we still had a chance to stop the corrupt party insiders from stealing the nomination for a sure loser who could only win the voters of the party insiders and the voters who stopped holding their party accountable on policy. We got here because every cycle they run garbage, rig the primary to make sure the garbage gets the nomination and then demand we vote for their garbage to stop the Republicans garbage since they are playing the same game. That is how we got here and how both parties keep us here with a government that hasn't represented the American people in generations.
DeleteHate is such a strong word. Perhaps I'm a nattering nabob of negativisim or an effete intellectual snob, but I thought that hate was something that we (I grew up in the 60's) ascribed to the right. We 'loved' everyone even if we didn't love their sins. I eschew the 'progressive' tag...I'm a liberal and proud of it. It that means I support better pay for teachers, better health care for everyone, better child care for working parents, a lot less war, so be it. I'll take that tag. But I'm also a realist...time does that. I realize that I'm NOT in the majority. I realize that most people in this country don't agree with me on everything. But I'm betting that most people do agree with me that Donald Trump would be the worst possible President that we could ever elect. I struggled with the same issue in 2000; my family threatened me with excommunication if I had voted for Ralph Nader. I didn't but a lot of other people did. I don't need to tell you what the result of that quixotic escapade was. Let's not revisit that era.
ReplyDeleteThis is so heartbreaking to read, now; now that we've fucked it all up.