Saturday, March 19, 2016

Dirty campaigning - Step by step how the rig is in and how they get away with it.

A Progressives Rant Part 2...

The tricks they use are predictable, reusable and somehow seem to work virtually every time. Step one, the party insiders pick their chosen candidate, the party donors give that candidate a bunch of money and then they start the buzz in the media about them being the front runner, most qualified, most electable or some other version of vote for him or her. The media is then complicit and frames the conversation about that one and the others as the front runner and the challengers.  But the media doesn’t stop there, they give virtually all the air time to that candidate and whenever they talk about the others, they frame it through the lens of how the challengers are affecting the leader. For example when they say Bernie is moving Hillary to the left on the issues, or saying he is making her a stronger general election candidate. Again with the assumption is that their chosen one will be the winner and the only role of the others is to affect him or her.

Now those are the old school tricks, but from there the games have changed a bit to keep up with technology and changes in election law. With Citizens United they now have super PACs which take huge sums of money from corporations and the super wealthy, trying to scare the challengers out of the race. Not only the number, but the knowledge that corporately funded Super PACs almost exclusively use their money for smear campaigns. The Democrats throw in a bonus challenge for the rest of the field, as they award almost 20% of the delegates to party insiders, elected officials and corporate lobbyists known as super delegates who don’t have anybody telling them who to vote for except the pressures of towing the party line. In the words of the DNC chair, these are in place to prevent a grassroots challenger from winning the nomination. (seriously she admitted that the rig is in). From here the parties start pressuring all elected officials in their party to endorse their chosen candidate to create the illusion that everyone is in agreement that they like the front runner and don’t like the challengers. Finally they position the primaries in a way where the more status quo states run early and the more progressive or unpredictable states run later so that the establishment status quo candidate will get all the momentum up front and they can start the conversation about how the math doesn’t work for anyone else. Naturally this last part is to put out any spark the supporters of the challengers might have and get them to just give up, disengage and accept the front runner.

From here the dirty campaigning shifts over to the candidates. With all the party, money and media attention on them, the front runners start by ignoring their challengers and wait to see if any starts to break from the pack. Whichever does becomes the target of their lies, smears, false narratives and evolutions (they start taking over the challengers most popular issues and pretend that they were the champion of those issues all along) and sending their surrogate attack dogs out to spread lies.

Since the media mostly controls people who are less tech savvy or in less tech savvy parts of the country like the deep red south, traditional media still frames all the issues and accepted realities for them and the rig is in place. If you are the chosen one, again the media tells everyone you are, they talk about why the others can’t win and then in the debates the front runner is served up mostly softballs or given an opportunity to explain their sensitive issues, while the challengers are given more gotcha questions, cut off in the middle of responses and reminded constantly that they are chasing and won’t win. No matter who wins the debate, the media will tell you it was the front runner so long as they didn’t do anything to sabotage their own campaign.

But with younger, more tech savvy voters they have learned to turn to the internet and social media for more of their information. Keeping with technology, campaigns have learned to manipulate this as well… they purchase likes on Facebook and Twitter to create the illusion that people love them and can’t wait to hear everything they are doing. They hire trolls who go online to pick fights with their challengers supporters or pretending to be a supporter of their challenger and engage in bad behavior to embarrass the candidate. Finally they buy fake news pages run by their supporters, super PAC or surrogates who create fake news stories either attacking their opponent, supporting the candidate or simply to spread lies, smears and false narratives. These are then read by their supporters and shared on social media to reinforce these lies and create the illusion that somehow they are valid regardless of how absurd they may sound to those in the know… they understand that most voters don’t really know the issues and don’t really know the record of the candidates, so they are like putty to be molded however the candidate chooses to mold them, rewriting both their record and that of their opponents.

So let’s see how that all plays in this race. I am a progressive democrat, so going to focus on how it manifested in the democratic race.

Hillary is the chosen one. She enters the race with huge sums of money in both her campaign and her Super PACs. The party gets virtually every elected official to endorse her before all the candidates had even gotten into the race. The media starts out talking about how much money and name recognition she has and how it’s her turn.

The debates begin and Bernie starts getting very popular and gaining in the polls on outsider populist issues. So Hillary starts to evolve. She has a record of free trade bragging about NAFTA, permanent free trade relations with China and calls TPP the gold standard of trade agreements, but suddenly evolves saying she has always been against them. She is for fracking, offshore drilling and supported keystone XL pipeline, but says she is the environmental candidate and always has been. She applauded the success of the ‘94 crime bill and how it took super predators and other street thugs off the streets, has private prison lobbyists fundraising for her campaign, but now claims to be against mass incarceration and the private prisons, pretending to care about poor communities and communities of color who have been devastated by the crime bill. Bill deregulates wall street, takes down Glass Steagall regulations which kept our economy safe since the great depression. Banks, insurance companies and traders merge creating too big to fail companies, then engage in super risky speculative and dishonest activities all of which were illegal under Glass Steagall and crashed the economy. Bill and Hillary make millions from these companies in speaker fees, donations to their much maligned foundation and donations to her campaign… then she tries to convince us that she is the one who is tough on wall street and the champion for for the poor and middle class, even ripping off Bernie’s stump speech word for word on a rigged economy and top 1% (even though they are her primary funders of her family and campaign)

She does all the aforementioned internet and social media dirty tricks, the trolling, buying likes and trending, has her surrogates buy fake news sites (Daily Newsbin and Blue Nation Review) to smear her opponents and to create false narratives about her inevitability and electability. The media gives all TV coverage to her, dismisses and ignores her opponents while it belittles her opponents supporters telling them from day one to give up and keep telling them to give up until they finally do. TV pundits talk about her as if she has already won and the challengers as if they were little more than obstacles she has to get past so get out of the way so she can focus on the general election. Formerly respected papers like NY Times and Washington Post act like the corporatist democrats version of FOX news and spread propaganda to push the chosen one and discourage the supporters of her opponents.

So up to here I have mostly covered how the system comes pre rigged for the party chosen one. But remember we are talking about the Clintons, the dirtiest campaigners in my lifetime… the ones who created or perfected much of the rigging process. But beyond stealing every popular issue and pretending to have evolved (Bill did the exact same thing to Jerry Brown), she is also the queen of the smear. She has lied not just about her own record, but blatantly lies about her opponents as well. She cherry picked big bills which had dozens if not hundreds of provisions to attack Bernie on the poison pills within the bill… She used this completely disingenuous methodology to somehow frame big labors biggest champion as flip flopping on labor issues and opposing the auto bailout. She used similar lies and cherry picking to frame him as a gun nut who hates poor people… she basically tried to pin all of her conservative, greedy and selfish tendencies, votes and speeches in her record on Bernie. Even if she doesn’t sell the it’s not me it’s him, she at least wants to sell the idea that it’s not just me.

So with all of this being so predictable and obvious and so easy to prove or disprove it couldn’t possibly work could it? Yes it can and yes it does. It does because people only pay attention for a few months every 4 years. They start off wanting the populist with the great record and the great issues, but eventually let the system convince them that they were wrong… ooops. Oh yeah and give up on hope and settle for what they are told is pragmatism and the illusion of electability.

So when us populists and progressives become so outraged by the lies being spread by the media and on social media, it might have something to do with the fact that we understand what the truth is because we were paying attention between the election cycles, we watched the congressional fights and remember how things actually went down, not how they were rewritten. We know who the champions have been on the issues, who the allies were, who stood silent and who stood in opposition. When Hillary supposedly misspoke about the Reagan’s being champions for the gay community on the issue of AIDS, we weren’t so quick to write it off as a misspeak. We understand she didn’t know because she wasn’t a champion, wasn’t even an ally, we know she was on the wrong side of the issue and that’s why she didn’t know. We know she has been on the wrong side of free trade, of the environment, private prisons, wall street deregulation, racial and criminal justice. We know her record and we know Bernie’s record and yes when we see well intentioned and even intelligent people spreading these lies and false narratives, forwarding factually inacurate smear pieces, we do become outraged and sometimes we snap. We can't understand how anyone can believe these often times not even well crafted lies, that logic let alone facts should discredit. 

And worse yet, we know that we are getting the government that the ill informed and ignorant deserve, not the one we deserve. That's what this revolution is about... not falling for it anymore, taking back our government. Never give up and never settle again. Continue to engage, phone bank, donate, canvass and keep your friends and family engaged. The establishment is counting on us giving up and letting them win... Every win we get takes us one step closer to exposing the lie and breaking the two party system that has stolen our democracy. Fight On! This is the closest we have been to winning back our democracy in generations.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

They are counting on you to give up on Bernie, its the main play by Clinton as we head into mostly Bernie friendly states and more than half the delegates still in play

Giving up is what they want you to do. It’s what they have been trying to get you to do since before the voting even started… They said if Bernie didn’t win both New Hampshire and Iowa that it was over… well with them flipping delegates from Hillary to Bernie in Iowa (As most of us suspected when they tried to convince us she won), it turns out it appears Bernie did win both Iowa and New Hampshire. (update, one district resolved in moving delegates from Hillary to Bernie, another district is still unresolved but looking at flipping another one from Hillary to Bernie -

Next when She won Nevada they said it’s over. But that also turned out not to be true… She went on to run the table on southern red states and they told us the math didn’t work, yet most of the country hadn’t voted yet. Super Tuesday she won the South Bernie won nearly everywhere else… but again they repeated it’s over.

Time and again we watch all the pundits include the super delegates into the count to create the illusion that she is way more popular than she is and that her lead is insurmountable. But Bernie kept reminding us is what they and every media outlet ignored was that the polling showed all her strong states come early, Bernie leads in polling in nearly every remaining state. Many of those leads by yuge margins.

So here we are about to enter the 2nd half. They know they need to discourage us and convince us that the math doesn’t work or Bernie will start rattling off win after win. They are playing prevent D and trying can get us to give up and not show up if she is to maintain her lead.

But wait, the two biggest states haven’t even voted yet with New York and California. In fact 9 contests left to run before New York and Bernie leads in polling in all of them. So if we stay engaged, keep volunteering, keep donating and keep talking about Bernie/ getting our friends to vote we can build momentum and run the table going into New York. with over 2000 delegates yet to be awarded the math does still work. Bernie doesn't even need the margins she has won by so far.

Nobody said the revolution would be easy. Nobody said they wouldn’t ignore us, dismiss us, lie to us, smear Bernie and create false narratives. We knew that they would play it dirty, this is the DNC led by Debbie Wasserman Schultz who was the co chair of Hillary’s losing 08 campaign. The same woman who limited debate and threatened to punish anyone who didn’t play by her hide the challengers from the voters strategy. When asked about the undemocratic nature of Super Delegates the DNC chair said they were in place to prevent a grassroots movement from rising up to win the nomination. Imagine that the chair of the people’s party telling us they put a system in place specifically to deny a populist candidate of the people from defeating the establishments choice.

But her rigging didn’t end there, Elizabeth Warren let the cat out of the bag when they asked why she hadn’t endorsed Hillary by saying something to the effect of If I was going to endorse her, I would have when the party was forcing every member of congress to do so. Keith Ellison said he was told there would be consequences to endorsing Bernie and Tulsi Gabbard was told that it would be career suicide to endorse Bernie.

Then there is the order the states run. It was like the Hillary campaign played the whole first half with home field advantage, downhill and with the wind at her back. The media and the party both proclaiming the race over time and again, while belittling Sanders supporters… why won’t we give up? Don’t we know that a people’s movement can’t win? There is a corrupt media in place to keep reminding us of that and turning the focus right back to their pet candidate.

But we haven’t given up. They knew they needed to make a statement on the two super Tuesdays, because the math worked against them from that point on. They needed to demoralize us. They needed to put us away by then. But they haven’t. In one blue after purple state after the next we surged and outperformed polling which showed 20-30 point leads for Clinton, only to win them big or make many of others close. Sanders did not let her run up the score enough in the first half to lock us out in the 2nd, not even close.

So here we are starting the 2nd half. Bernie is now playing on home turf, downhill with the wind at his back. Not only does he lead in nearly every remaining state poll, but he leads many of them by yuge margins. They are counting on us believing their lie that it’s over or hoping to scare us into supporting her to stop the even worse scenario of a President Trump. Sure a President Trump is a scary prospect. But to stop worst case scenario do we really have to settle for lesser of two evils? Why can’t we fight for a transformative candidate of honesty, compassion, experience and a truly bold progressive vision? Especially when every matrix shows that candidate, Bernie Sanders as the strongest general election candidate. Bernie out polls her in every head to head match up with Trump, Cruz and Kasich. He also has a much larger base of voters which goes beyond establishment democrats and includes yuge numbers of young and Independent voters who have sworn they will only vote for him.

The revolution is real, it’s still here and the path is still viable. Super delegates won’t risk stealing the nomination and blowing up the whole party. They will vote for whoever wins the earned delegates and popular vote, they always do. They will back whoever can help the party not only hold the white house but also win back the Senate and make big gains in the House and state houses.

Besides won’t the victory be sweeter with a buzzer beater, a walk off hit, a shootout win or field goal as the clock runs out? Stay engaged, we can do this. The biggest play they have left is convincing you to give up.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

It’s not us, it’s her - And you can't shame us for not supporting Hillary, not in the primaries

A progressives rant

It’s not sexism… consider for a moment that we hate her because of who she is, what she has done and it has nothing to do with her gender, not even anything to do with the republican delusion syndrome.

I’m going to say it right here and now I hate the Clintons. Both her and Bill and I'm never going to apologize for it. I hate what they did to the democratic party handing the party of the people over to the same corporate masters as the republican party and taking away real choice in the general election. I hate that they dismissed and belittled progressives rendering our causes futile or simply off the table. I hate them for welfare reform and a draconian crime bill that victimized the poor, destroyed entire neighborhoods and disproportionately crushed communities of color. I hate them for trade deals that destroyed the middle class, killed American jobs and sent wages on a race to the bottom. I hate them for de-regulating the media and then ducking behind them for cover on their lies and smears of their political enemies. I hate them for passing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and DOMA and pretending later that they were doing it to save the gay community from something worse. I hate them for saying they want America to take the lead in fighting global warming then taking huge donations from the oil and coal industries, selling fracking to the world, supporting offshore drilling, supporting the extraction and storage of natural gas and opposing a carbon tax… basically the exact opposite of what someone who cares about stopping or slowing global warming would do. I hate them for being the dirtiest campaigners in modern history. I hate her specifically because her foreign policy of war, regime change and arming the enemy of our enemy has been almost as destructive as Dick Cheney arguably one of the most destructive leaders in our nation’s history.  Yes I hate them and my hatred for them grows with every lie, with every smear and with every media hit piece or every surrogate that goes out spreading lies and false narrative on their behalf. Yes I hate them for who they are and what they have done, I don’t hate them because the republicans told me to hate them. I don’t hate her because she is a woman. I hate them because they have done more damage to progressives and progressive ideas while pretending to be progressive than any republican ever could have. I hate them for manipulating other democrats into being their apologists and attacking anyone who didn’t agree with them or called them on their record or questionable integrity.

In ‘92 they promised us that they were a 2 for 1, she then became the only first lady to set up an office in the west wing, but how dare anybody hold her accountable for the damage of their administration. Sure she wants the credit for the short term prosperity that came with the dot com bubble, but doesn’t want any of the blame for the long term consequences of their wall street deals, free trade agreements, mass incarceration or any of the things I listed above. In 92 they said that they were representing the centrist wing of the party and were new democrats leading the party into a new era, a third way with centrist democrats who could beat republicans in both the money game and electoral game… and they they did exactly that, dragging the party to the center, crushed the left and led to a corporatist takeover of the party, a party that now answered to corporate interests but how dare anybody who remembers the left bring that up.

Well I admit that I hate them… but somehow as a defense Hillary says if we hate her, surely we must hate Obama for taking money from wall street, or Kerry or insert name of virtually any corporatist third way Democrat.  But wait I don’t hate Obama. 8 years ago I was doing what her supporters are attacking me for now by defending Obama against her lies, smears and attacks. I defended Obama when she sent out her surrogates to smear him, tell us that he can’t get anything done, has no experience and has no idea about foreign policy because he disagreed with her hawkish ways. Thanks to their corporate takeover of the democratic party I’ve been forced to support the lesser of two evils every election at nearly every level of government and yes I hate that and blame them. I hate that us progressives have been mocked and dismissed every election cycle while being told that this endless string of middle right corporate democrats are progressive… but sadly I remember what progressives fight for and against. I remember what it was like when democrats put the people first and answered to the people. I know it makes me angrier but I watched all of this happen in real time and yes I was paying attention. I can’t pretend to not know what democrats used to get for us and can’t pretend to not notice that our party has been hijacked.

So here we are in the primaries in a year when millennials and Independents along with progressives and yes the fringe racist right are all rising up and demanding representation. We are mocked by the media, ignored by the media and scolded by the establishment desperate to hold onto the power they stole from us. We are scolded for ignoring their dirty games, conventional wisdom and establishment bullying. I’ve been involved in progressive politics for 25 years and I know this is the primaries. I know what that means,  this is when we get to decide the direction of our party. This is when we get to choose someone who represents real positive change and not the least offensive of the corrupt two party system. This is when we get to remember we have a democracy and that our leaders probably could and should represent the interests of the people.

This is when we can send the Clintons into retirement and let both them and their corrupt corporatist leaders know that we are done with oligarchy (a small group of people having control of a government) and plutocracy (government by the wealthy elite and ruling class), we are ready to get our democracy back. This is when we refuse to take no for an answer, when the people of Michigan can be told she is 20 points up 2 days before the vote and that it’s over, but they decide to ignore the media noise, ignore the party insiders and send Bernie to one of the biggest primary upsets in political history. This is when we can embrace real change. This is when we can ignore the so called experts that say because she crushed it in southern red states that there is no path to victory for another democrat even though most states including virtually every large state has still not voted. I don't ever want to be told I have to vote for the lesser of two evils (but I will if we blow it, but let's not go there yet)

This is when we save democracy, save our planet and remind democrats of our progressive past. This is when we defeat  Hillary Clinton and not because she is a woman, because she is a wolf in sheep’s clothing who has done enough damage and we are done with both the Bush’s and the Clinton’s. This when we start a political revolution that wins back our party, wins back our government, wins back American jobs and restores the American dream. This is when we embrace a truly inspirational leader like Bernie Sanders and we turn the page on a 4 decade attack on the American people by the people we called our leaders. This is when we remind ourselves and the younger generations what it’s like to be truly great again. Once in a lifetime a truly transformational leader comes along speaking the truth, inspiring the masses and changes the world. Let's not blow it. Vote for real change, vote for honesty and integrity, vote for vision and compassion. Vote for Bernie Sanders and don't let your party, your parents party or the media talk you out of it, or convince you it can't happen. Make it happen. #FeelTheBern

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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bernie Sanders NOT Hillary Clinton is the most electable candidate against Trump

Bernie Sanders NOT Hillary Clinton is the most electable candidate against Trump

Head to Head Polling has always favored Sanders against GOP

Poll after poll shows that Bernie is the strongest against Trump or any of the GOP frontrunners. In nearly every instance Bernie is shown to beat all republicans while Hillary either wins those same match ups by smaller margins if at all (She loses or is within the margin of error in many match ups)

A look behind the numbers shows why this is a predictable outcome and not a surprise.

Independent and young voters

Bernie crushes all candidates in either party with both Independent and young voters.

When you look at Hillary’s base voters you find that they are almost exclusively establishment or reliable democratic voters. They are reliable to show up and vote and often follow the party line on who to support. They give her an edge in the primary because 0f their reliability, but as Obama found in both mid terms are often not enough to win alone. Democrats win when they get help and lose when they don’t get help from left leaning Independent and first time voters.

By contrast Bernie’s base has some of the reliable democratic voting block but is winning with Independent and young voters. When they have shown up in blue and purple states Bernie has won, when they didn’t show up in red southern states he has lost. Bernie with these voters expands the base.

In a general election establishment and reliable democratic voters will show up to vote for the D regardless of who gets the nomination. They vote for the D and against the R. When democrats expand the base like Obama did in ‘08 and ‘12 the Dems won going away… when they didn’t expand the base in ‘00 and ‘04 they lost or kept it close enough to steal… and even worse got crushed in nearly every mid term when they didn’t have a force at the top of the ticket expanding the base. Now this is where the party insiders are completely tone deaf… the young and Independent voters have been very clear that they don’t support, don’t trust, don’t like and won’t vote for Hillary. Party insiders can shame them all they want, they don’t consider themselves to be democrats and are voting for the candidate and the issues, not the party. They have been clear that neither party has had their backs in their judgement and they see Hillary as being as much a part of the problem as they do any republican. Without those blocks Hillary is very vulnerable to lose a general election and down ballot races will suffer for the democrats as well.

Likability and Trustworthiness

Once again in poll after poll people report that they don’t like or trust Hillary Clinton, She is consistently found to have the lowest or among the lowest ratings in both categories along with Trump. Nobody with a higher unfavorability rating than favorability has ever been elected President. When someone is making that final decision about whether or not to actually cast the vote, whether they like or trust you is a big factor on voter turnout, especially on the democratic side where they are more likely to be motivated to vote for someone or something than against someone or something.

By contrast Bernie Sanders is found to be the most likeable and honest candidate running in either party. In every blue and purple state where he is run big turnout numbers these factors are told to exit pollers as being an important reason why they turned out to vote for Bernie. Touched on this before, but in red southern states where this was not said to be an important factor Hillary won by huge margins. But so far in this race, the red southern states seem to be the only place this doesn’t seem to matter.


Bernie Sanders is a money machine… He has gotten over 5,000,000 small dollar donations, with virtually all of his donors able to give again. There are no strings attached to those contributions. With lots of states still yet to run, he still has yet to introduce himself to much of the county. By contrast Hillary is mostly getting her donations at small high dollar fundraisers with wealthy donors. Every fundraiser she holds is time she isn’t doing larger campaign events or media events. These fundraisers also cap out most of those donors and despite the claims to contrary come with strings attached. In a general election he will probably have access to many of Hillary’s non strings attached donors who will be donating to prevent a Trump presidency, while Hillary won’t likely have access to many of the Sanders donors who have promised to not even vote for her let alone donate to her.


Bernie draws huge crowds and his supporters are willing to phone bank, canvass, promote his candidacy on social media and volunteer in any way he needs.  Hillary by contrast needs to pay for many of the things the Sanders campaign gets for free as his supporters are passionate about him, his candidacy and his issues. The Hillary crowds are a fraction the size, her social media presence is mostly paid for, and in state after state when they talk to her voters we find a large number of them say they like Bernie, but they are voting for her because they think she can win. Sure she has a base of people wanting a woman in the white house, but the number of people passionate about her or her issues is relatively small. You can see this in visible presence too. I’m in California where Bernie has only done one event and yet when it comes to seeing campaign shirts, buttons or other swag I see Bernie stuff several times a day while I can go weeks without seeing anything for Hillary. The excitement gap would appear to be significant.


in state after state Hillary has a huge lead in polls until they both start campaigning there and and then Bernie surges while Hillary tries to hold him off. After they hear Bernie, what he represents and has always fought for they report they like him more, even many of those who still vote for her say they like him, but think she has a better chance to win (but does she? can you still agree with that narrative?). His ideas are popular not just with democratic voters and Independent voters but even with some republican voters.

Even though Hillary has adopted almost Bernie’s entire platform in some watered down non committal way, people are reminded why they don’t like or trust Hillary when they find out her new policies don’t match her record or previous statements. Can you really trust her to fight for or champion issues that she has only even claimed to have for a year when she has a 25 year record of being on the other side of all those issues? Logic tells you no, and if it doesn’t, it should.


Hillary is a scandal magnate with an ongoing FBI investigation hanging over her head. In fact the FBI investigation into her emails has expanded to a point where it’s being reported that over 100 classified emails were sent over her private server with some being the highest level of classification. A former member of the Obama Department of Homeland Security has suggested that given the direction the investigation has taken she should drop out of the race.

Hillary is winning in southern red states, Bernie is winning in Blue and Purple states.

This should be a big cause for concern with the Hillary is the best democrat for a general election crowd… she has been crushing Bernie in southern red states where she has no chance of winning in a general election, but in the states she needs to win in a general election Bernie surges fast within weeks of starting to campaign there. She can’t hold a lead in states she needs to win. And the way he closes her leads is with young and Independent voters. Incidently the 2nd most popular candidate with Independent voters is Donald Trump. Do we really want to watch that pattern of Independent voters overwhelming establishment democrats in a critical general election?

There is a lot at stake

With so much at stake, it’s important that we as democrats, progressives and compassionate independents nominate the strongest democratic candidate. One who will not only hold the white house, but also help down ballot democrats running for congress and state offices. The bonus is that he will bring with him a true agenda of change… the change we can believe in. The Change we have been waiting for. Bernie Sanders is the best hope we have, lets not blow this because someone or the media has convinced us to settle for a candidate who doesn't represent the change we need just because they say she is the best chance to win. Like much of the rest of the mainstream media messaging, its a lie to push their interests not ours.

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